



invasive species, Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden., Nadvirna, density, distribution


The proliferation of invasive species is becoming an increasingly pressing issue in today’s world. Its proliferation can have serious consequences for both indigenous species and the country’s economy. One such species is Heracleum sosnowskyi, which is widely spread across Ukraine. For successful combat against this plant, comprehensive inventory and preventive measures are necessary to prevent further spread. This is a large plant that produces a significant number of seeds. It is dispersed through various mechanisms, including wind, transportation currents, and waterways. Such seed distribution allows the plant to colonize new territories and increase its population. In its survival strategy, the plant demonstrates characteristics of a violent type. It actively competes with other plant species, capable of rapid growth and efficient use of environmental resources. This enables successful adaptation to changes in the environment and ensures survival even in competitive surroundings. This species poses a potential danger to humans and animals. The plant’s sap contains furocoumarins, which, when interacting with ultraviolet radiation, can cause burns. These burns may result in tissue necrosis and, in critical cases, lead to fatal consequences. This article presents the results of a study on the distribution of H. Sosnowskyi in the territory of Nadwirna city. Conducted from May to September 2022, the research revealed significant spread of this species in anthropogenic environments. The plant was most frequently encountered near transportation routes and the Strimby River. The total area where this species was found amounted to 12,646 ha. Additionally, the identified areas were analyzed, and the abundance was determined using the O. Drude scale. The analysis suggests that the spread of H. sosnowskyi could pose a serious threat to local ecosystems, human health, and the safety of the local population and wildlife. Therefore, immediate measures need to be taken to control and manage this species, as well as to develop monitoring and management strategies to prevent further spread of H. sosnowskyi. The results obtained during the study provide important information regarding the distribution and spread of the species. This opens up opportunities for further monitoring and the development of control and management strategies. The study can also serve as a basis for conducting additional scientific research, which will contribute to understanding the dynamics of the invasive species spread and the development of more effective control methods.


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