acoustic noise, air pollution, motor transport, ecosystem services, green spaces, urban ecosystem.Abstract
Acoustic noise is a common type of physical air pollution that worsens the quality of the environment in cities. The aim of this study was to determine the level of noise load on the streets of the city of Lviv and the influence of green spaces on the indices of acoustic noise caused by motor transport. Forty sites were selected for the study: 30 sites (S1–S30) were chosen on avenues and streets of the city with intensive traffic and 10 sites (A1–A5 and B1–B5) were on the territory of Sknilivsky Park and Ivan Vyhovsky Park, respectively, neighboring Vyhovsky Street. Sites A1 and B1, A2 and B2, A3 and B3, A4 and B4, A5 and B5 were located at a distance of 10 m, 20 m, 50 m, 100 m and 200 m from the roadway, respectively. Sites S1-S30 were divided into two groups: group-1 included sites with uniform traffic, and group-2 included sites located near intersections and junctions of streets. Among the sites of group-1, two subgroups were chosen, namely subgroup-1c covering sites on streets paved with cobblestones, and subgroup-1a, which included sites on streets covered with asphalt concrete mix. Non-constant noise was analyzed, assessed by the equivalent sound level (LAeq., dBA). Measurements were made during working days of the week using a Flus MT-901A noise-meter, according to the standard technique. The results were processed using variation statistics methods. The research has established that the LAeq. value on the analyzed sites S1-S30 was 73.30 ± 5.21 dBA and exceeded the value specified by regulatory documents. The equivalent sound level on sites of group-2 exceeded the LAeq. value on sites of group-1 by 5.46 dBA (p < 0.05). On streets paved with cobblestones, the LAeq. value showed an upward trend compared to that on streets with asphalt concrete pavement. The equivalent sound level in parks decreased by 23.4–35.9 % (p < 0.05–0.01) on sites located 50–200 m from the noise source (vehicle traffic). Since the reduction of noise pollution is one of the ecosystem services provided by green spaces in cities, the expansion of the size of green zones can be recommended as a nature-oriented solution for improving the quality of the environment and the ecological state of the atmosphere in the territory of urban ecosystems.
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