emotional burnout syndrome, components of emotional burnout syndrome, determinants of emotional burnout syndrome in students, practical psychologist, studentAbstract
The article gives a theoretical analysis of the prob-lem of emotional burnout in psychological science, and also found that the problem of emotional burnout of a practical psychologist is one of the central issues in the process of professional training of fu-ture practical psychologists. The author considers psychological pe-culiarities of manifestations, symptoms and factors that lead to an emo-tional burnout syndrome in students during their professional training. The emotional burnout is determined by a set of factors that include individual psychological peculiarities of the personality and specific features of the educational/professional activity of an emotional cha-racter. The article presents results of the empirical study of socio-demographic determinants of occurrence and features of manifesta-tion of emotional burnout syndrome in students-psychologists. There is also the relationship between the manifestations of the emotional burnout syndrome with the family status and the student’s sex.
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