
  • Iryna HRYNYK



freedom, responsibility, personality maturity, social maturity


The article analyzes the problems of freedom and responsibility of the individual. It generalizes the scientific approaches of foreign and domestic psychologists on the definition of the essen-ce, characteristics of freedom and responsibility of the individual. Ukrainian psychologists have determined a single semantic space of understanding and studying freedom, in which both philosophical and psychological vectors of cognition are stated. It is described that responsibility takes a special place in the structure of a person because it predetermines activity in relation to people, profession, to itself, is an essential indicator of social matu-rity; self-fulfilling factor of actions and deeds, determines the positive influence of the formation of professional skills, constant need for self-knowledge and self-perfection. A comprehensive analysis of the issues of individual respon-sibility allowed us to assert that responsibility is a complex and mul-tifaceted mental entity, leading moral and volitional quality, charac-terized by the rich manifestation of its components. The basic ones have been revealed: understanding of the concept of responsibility and its connection with other concepts, knowledge of moral norms, awareness of acceptance of responsibility, readiness to assume respon-sibility, readiness to predict and analyze the consequences of respon-sible (irresponsible) behavior, external motivation (duty), internal motivation (conscience), empathy, honesty, justice, independence, a sense of freedom and necessity, discipline, hard work, a healthy life-style.


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