students-migrants, harmonious interpersonal relations, socio-psychological trainingAbstract
The capacity to build a harmonious relationship with others is a guarantee of successful activity. Importance of the ability to build productive relationships and establish a good contact with others becomes a special category of our citizens-migrant students. The ability to build productive relationships will help the stu-dents, forced migrants to avoid psychological difficulties that appear at the stage of adaptation to a new university. Therefore, it is impor-tant to start from the early stages of its formation in the new higher education, when migrant students are involved in a specially orga-nized work on the development of harmonious interpersonal rela-tions. It is such a specially organized work, in our opinion, that social-psychological training should be considered as one of the active ways of learning. Socio-psychological training of the development of harmonious interpersonal relations of migrant students is intended to develop the ability and capacity to build personal and professional relationships among future specialists accompanied by a humane attitude towards another person in the educational process, in the conditions of pro-fessional activity and at home-social relations on the basis of trust, mutual respect, empathy, tact, tolerance in the process of communi-cation, which will allow to avoid conflict situations. Developing a program of socio-psychological training of the development of harmonious interpersonal relations of migrant stu-dents should be based on three interrelated components of students’ readiness for the harmonization of interpersonal relations: cognitive, emotional-value, practical-activity. Socio-psychological training on the development of harmonious interpersonal relations of migrant students is a specially organized training aimed at developing the skills of trustful, non-conflictual and reflexive interaction with others.
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