
  • Nataliya KAUT



child’s cerebral paralysis, dizontogenesis, deficient development, delay of psychical development


The subject of the article is devoted to the problem of studying the peculiarities of the psychologist’s work on the develop-ment of cognitive activity of pupils with cerebral palsy. The study is relevant, as the infantile cerebral palsy (ICP) is one of the most serious violations of the psychophysical development of children. It manifests in violations of motor functions of the central (brain) origin, speech apparatus, in the complication of the formation of individual mental functions and personality, as well as in the impairment of intelligen-ce. Cerebral palsy in most cases causes childhood disability. Motor infringements, their diagnosis, treatment and adaptation of the child to move and self-service are within the competence of phy-sicians and specialists in physical rehabilitation. It is very important for the psychologists to know about the motor characteristics and abilities of the child. The task of the psychologist is to find out the psychological characteristics of the child with cerebral palsy, espe-cially the features of intellectual development, the development of emotional and personality traits. Analyzing the results we can say that junior students with ce-rebral palsy are characterized by a low level of mental development 55.6 %, attention 33.3 %, memory 11.1 %, thinking ability 23 % and ability to work step by step with the instruction of an adult 44.4 %. High level has not been found. This suggests that children with mus-culoskeletal disorders do not have enough developed cognitive pro-cesses and they need corrective and developmental work. Developmental work of a psychologist in the direction of cog-nitive processes contributes to a successful transition to school rou-tine and provides for a sufficient level of development of thinking, per-ception, memory, attention, speech, etc. To achieve positive results in the education and development of the cognitive sphere of students can only be provided with the cooperation of a psychologist, a speech therapist, a teacher and a doctor of the school. It is necessary to take into account the psychological readiness of a particular child to sys-tematic study. The results of the diagnostic work of a psychologist, a speech therapist, a pedagogical support of a class teacher and an edu-cator give an idea of a particular child, the ways of its immideate development and directions of correctional work.


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