assertiveness, assertivity structure, continuum-hierarchical approach, aserivity indexes, components of assertivenessAbstract
This articlе deals with a differential and psycholo-gical analysis of assertiveness, which is considered as a systemic multileveled personality trait and is studied from the perspective of the continual and hierarchical approach. The article presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the concept of «assertiveness», outlines the main approaches to un-derstanding the structure of assertiveness in psychological science, the theoretical model of assertiveness from the position of the conti-nual-hierarchical approach. Assertiveness is seen as a complex pro-perty of the individual. The phenomenon of «assertiveness» is inter-preted as a multilevel, holistic formation, which includes formal-dynamic, content-personal and social-imperative levels. At each level, the assertiveness is represented by certain components that have a specific content. These components interact with each other, comple-ment each other and form an integral property that is not limited to the sum of its constituents and can be considered as a system pro-perty characterized by activity and integrity. The article reveals and describes the formal and dynamic (de-mand for assertiveness, driveness in the manifestation of assertive-ness, intensity, easiness, breadth, persistency of assertiveness mani-festation, the degree of involvedness or distancing in the process of interaction) and quality (emotional, cognitive, behavioral, control and regulative) components of assertiveness.
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