faith, freedom, compassion, meaning of life, existence, existential values, future teacher, value orientationsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize the features of the existential sphere of future teachers in the process of professional education, based on a theoretical analysis of the views of various authors on the concept and structure of existential values of the individual. The research methodology is based on an existential approach, which allows analyzing existential resources that are important for the future professional activity of a teacher. The scientific novelty of the theoretical and empirical research lies in the fact that, within the context of this problem, the structure of existential values is defined, encompassing three aspects: subjective (self-analysis, reflection, self-satisfaction, spiritual growth, self-knowledge), interactional (values arising in interaction with others and objects), and objective (universal cultural values, existential values, life goals and meaning, and religious values). These aspects permeate all levels of behavior regulation, characterizing the realm of profound spiritual experiences that influence individual existence. The peculiarities of existential value development in future educators are analyzed, emphasizing their orientation toward spiritual and practical activity. This activity facilitates self-improvement and self-creation, forming a crucial component of their life and professional self-determination. The article argues that existential values enable future teachers to answer fundamental questions about existence, make choices, and make correct decisions. Conclusions. The results of an experimental study reveal the degree of manifestation of existential components such as freedom, faith, compassion, the meaning of life, and acceptance of others. The study found that the choice of these values is grounded in the experience of human existence, which holds a value-ontological status. It was determined that the participants demonstrate an average level of these existential values, with students showing a particular focus on freedom, empathy, compassion, and acceptance – qualities essential for their future teaching profession.
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