self-regulation, mental states, future teachers, professional activity, youth, subject of activityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of future teachers’ assimilation of the system of self-regulation of personality and mental states in professional activity. Methodology. The problem of self-regulation of the individual is analyzed. The main subject of personal regulation is presented, where there are actions aimed at transforming human attitudes. Scientific novelty. Self-regulation of a student’s activity is a specific regulation carried out by him as a subject of activity. Its purpose is to match the student’s capabilities with the requirements of educational activity, that is, the student must understand his tasks as a subject of educational activity. It is emphasized that in the process of performing educational activities, each of the links of selfregulation fulfills its role of goal setting (goal setting) and performance of actions in accordance with the goal. It is the awareness of one’s goals that allows the student to remain a subject of educational activity, that is, to make decisions about the need to make changes in the actions being carried out, about the sequence of solving educational tasks. Thanks to the self-regulation of educational activities, changes occur in the student’s personality and the tools he uses. It is stated that the student must have a system of clear ideas about his capabilities when solving various sub-tasks of selfregulation, and on the other hand, a developed system of abilities and skills related to these ideas. Only then will the student be able to set goals for himself, bring them into line with the requirements of the circumstances and keep them in the field of his consciousness and in the sphere of self-regulation until the moment of their achievement. Conclusions. It is emphasized that the self-regulation of students is related to the specifics of personal development in youth and the peculiarities of studying at a higher education institution. In order to increase the effectiveness of the activities of future teachers, it is necessary to form an optimal style of their self-regulation, which would be characterized by a high level of self-regulation links, as well as such factors of volitional organization of the personality as self-organization and self-mastery, a high level of locus of control and a low frequency of manifestation of such mental states as anxiety, aggressiveness, frustration and rigidity.
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