


personal potential, future psychologists, personal potential of psychology students, subjective perception of students’ personal potential, personal characteristics of students, self-attitude of future psychologists, constructs used by students to describe their “Self”, Internet addiction of students


The purpose of the publication is to analyze the results of an empirical study of indicators of subjective perception of personal potential in psychology students with different levels of Internet addiction. Research methodology. The results of studying the characteristics of respondents’ self-attitude and their subjective assessments of their own personality using basic constructs of semantic differential were used as diagnostic indicators of the subjective perception of personal potential in psychology students. The empirical study used the following methods: “Test for determining the level of computer addiction” (K. Yang, adaptation by V.A. Loskutova), the “Self-attitude Questionnaire” (V.V. Stolin, S.R. Pantileev), the “Personality Differential” method (according to Ch. Osgood). The study was conducted on a sample of 145 psychology students of the second (master’s) level of higher education at the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, who study in the educational programs “Psychology” and “Crisis Psychology. Sociopsychological rehabilitation”. Scientific novelty of the article. The novelty of the publication lies in determining the relationship between the subjective perception of personal potential by students and their dependence on the Internet. The obtained data reveal previously unidentified connections between the sphere of selfawareness of the future specialist and additive states of the personality. Conclusions. The conducted research confirmed the formulated hypothesis. It was determined that the Internet addiction of psychology students is associated with the features of their subjective perception of personal potential. In particular, psychology students with an increased level of computer addiction are characterized by a worsened subjective perception of personal potential, which is realized through reduced self-attitude indicators and a negative subjective assessment of their own “Self”, which acts as a factor in the formation of addiction. In contrast, psychology students who do not have an addiction to the network are characterized by a more positive, worsened subjective perception of personal potential, a formed self-attitude and assessment of their own “Self”.


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