


personality self-development, personality identity, self-development mechanisms, future psychologists


The aim of the article is a theoretical and methodological analysis of the goals, objectives, and content of the academic discipline “Psychology of Self-Development” for practical psychologists. Methodology. Approaches to understanding the problem of personality self-development have been analyzed, and the practical feasibility of including the “Psychology of Self-Development” discipline in the educational curriculum for training practical psychologists has been substantiated. Studying this discipline is expected to enhance the psychological and personal preparation of future practical psychologists for their professional activities. Scientific novelty. The goals, objectives, and content of the discipline, as well as the list and content of its thematic blocks, have been theoretically and methodologically substantiated. It is asserted that a practical psychologist must embody a healthy personality encompassing spiritual, moral, social, psychological, and physical components. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the proposed course is rooted in psychological science’s understanding of personality, including its structure, phenomenology, existence, and development. The article characterizes the conditions, factors, mechanisms, and pathways for personality self-development, identifying and describing types of self-development orientations: social, personal, social-network, and spiritual. Conclusions. The consequences of the network orientation’s influence on self-development and the lifestyle of future psychologists have been analyzed. In identity, this manifests as intense focus on others or oneself, pursuit of unrealistic appearance standards, indifference to personal development, creation of illusions about oneself, idealization, unhealthy notions of success, fostering unhealthy self-influence, acute egocentrism, distortions in the motivational sphere, and lack of motivation for self-development. In lifestyle, this manifests as a lack of life principles and ideals, absence of life strategies, selection of unconventional priorities, excessive focus on career or status, perfectionism or deadline-driven behavior, engagement in dangerous activities, unhealthy habits, living in a virtual world, prolonged reflection without action, and existence in an unhealthy social environment. The main topics of the course are identified and detailed: 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the “Psychology of Self-Development” course. 2. General characteristics of selfdevelopment content. 3. Psychological self-development. 4. General characteristics of personal self-development. 5. Self-development of fundamental personal abilities. 6. Self-development of talents, creativity, and innovativeness. 7. Self-development of individuality. 8. Social selfdevelopment of personality. 9. Physical self-development. 10. Mastery of a healthy lifestyle. 11. Conditions and factors of self-development. 12. Socio-psychological mechanisms and methods of self-development.


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