ecological consciousness, resource loss, ecological grief, multiple community identities, civic identityAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the socio-psychological aspects of the attitude of Ukrainians to ecology during the war. The study was conducted from October 2022 to May 2023 and included a total of 1766 respondents aged 18 to 70 of both sexes. The aim of the article was to investigate and highlight the main changes in the environmental consciousness of Ukrainians; to analyze the influence of multiple community identities on the state of the environmental consciousness of Ukrainians. The study used methods such as qualitative data collection and two quantitative surveys, which were based on the indicators identified at the previous stage. The scientific novelty of the article was the study of the environmental consequences of war in a socio-psychological context. Analysis of the results allowed us to draw the following conclusions: it was found that the importance of ecology for Ukrainians during the war increased for more than half of the respondents, but only a quarter of the respondents take real actions to improve the environment. A higher level of environmental awareness is possessed by respondents with high manifestations of such community identities as civic, local, and professional. Respondents with low manifestations of these identities tend to worry less about the Ukrainian environment. Given this, the strengthening of the role of civic identity can act as an integrating factor in activating other forms of community identification of Ukrainians in the direction of increasing environmental awareness and environmental responsibility. The phenomenon of environmental grief, which is based on resource losses and which turned out to be the most significant indicator of environmental awareness, has been studied. The socio-psychological aspect of shared experience in the future can also activate the growth of environmental awareness of Ukrainians. The prospect of further research involves studying the impact of the outlined trends on the dynamics of specific actions of Ukrainians in the direction of improving the environmental situation of the state.
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