


inclusive education; inclusive learning; persons with special educational needs; «Special students»


The article highlights the main approaches to actualizing the introduction of inclusive values into the educational environment of a higher education institution. It analyzes modern research, which shows the steady growth of scientific interest in creating an inclusive educational environment in higher education institutions and describes the conditions for successful social integration and inclusion of persons with special needs. The effectiveness of education of children with special educational needs in the context of inclusion depends to a large extent on the quality of training of the future specialist of inclusive education. It is stated that the latest principles of European programs and educational practices of teaching and socialization of young people with special educational needs contribute to the successful adaptation and social integration of students with disabilities. The article justifies creation of educational and scientific inclusive education development Centers in higher education institutions in order to solve the problem of professional training of specialists of inclusive education, with the special attention being paid to the tasks and realization of directions of activities envisaged by the project. It characterizes the current practical state of education, where the main focus in the institutions of higher education professional training is on the specialties of «educator’s assistant» and «teacher’s assistant», therefore university must have training of specialists who would have universal knowledge and skills sufficient to accompany children with special educational needs in an inclusive environment. It shows the key aspects of the problem, which is exacerbated by the contradictions between the requirements of today’s socially successful young people and the lack of opportunities for those with special educational needs. Due to the conducted questionnaire it was possible to analyze the university teachers’ attitude to the study of students with special educational needs. It has been confirmed that the overwhelming majority of teachers are positive about the study of «special» students at the university taking into account the personal potential of the person as well as educational and social infrastructure and solve tasks aimed at socia-lization of the person with disabilities, which contributes to the succe-ssful adaptation of this category in the educational environment.


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