woody plants, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, urban ecosystems, traffic load, biomonitoring, phytoindicationAbstract
Various modes of transport cause the release of pollutants into the environment, which adversely affects the biota in urban ecosystems. However, metabolic changes in plants that grow in urban areas have not been sufficiently studied. The aim of this work was to study the dynamics of chlorophyll concentration in the leaves of woody plants (Acer platanoides L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Tilia cordata Mill.) collected in areas with high traffic intensity. Four experimental sites (S1–S4) with heavy traffic of road and rail transport in the territory of Lviv were selected for research. Plant material collected in the territory of city parks was used as a control. Preparation of plant material for research and analysis of the total concentration of chlorophyll and chlorophyll a- and b-types were carried out by conventional methods. The results obtained were processed by the methods of variation statistics. The results of the study show a significant decrease in the total concentration of chlorophyll and the concentration of a-type chlorophyll in the leaves of all three studied plant species collected from sites S1–S4, compared with these indicators in plants collected in parks. In addition, the leaves of A. hippocastanum collected from two of the four experimental sites showed a significant decrease in the concentration of b-type chlorophyll compared to the control. These data indicate the inhibition of the photosynthesis process in plants growing in areas with traffic load, and the unequal resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus of woody plant species to environmental pollution caused by the activities of road and rail transport. At the same time, the obtained results indicate the usefulness of A. platanoides, A. hippocastanum and T. cordata plants in biomonitoring studies to determine the ecological state of urban areas.
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