



teaching; education; discussion; dialogue; elementary school; active teaching methods.


The article defi nes the conditions of use of the discussion as a method of teaching at the lessons of Ukrainian language at elementary school; it is found that discussion is the main means of activating. That discussion as a method of teaching and upbringing at the lessons of Ukrainian language at elementary school helps to reveal different views on a particular problem or controversial issue: it is necessary to express their thoughts in both oral and written languages. Lessons that use the method of discussion, teach students to communicate with each other, because special care when they come yayetsya formation skills to ask and answer. The purpose of the article is to fi nd out the communicative role of discus sion as a method of teaching and upbringing at Ukrainian elementary school. The following suggested structure of discussion at the primary school lessons is offered in the article: updating basic knowledge; creation of problem-search situations; students; assumptions about problem solving; bringing students their point of view; correcting students; responses by the teacher; generalization and systematization of knowledge. It has been found out that the use of discussion as a method of teaching in the Ukrainian language classes at elementary school implies a consistent and purposeful presentation of cognitive tasks to the students, which they solve under the guidance of the teacher, while actively learning new knowledge. Before using discussion as a method of teaching Ukrainian language at the lessons, it is important to pay attention to the following: what educational material can be used during the discussion; what knowledge, prior information, observations can be used during the interview; what conclusions the students should make after the discussion; what questions students can ask during the discussion. Teachers can choose for discussion such problematic issues that would carry both educational and educational load. For discussion you can use proverbs, sayings, interesting stories, small literary works.


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