



teaching method, morphemics, derivatology (word formation), competence, methods and techniques of teaching, educational program, training exercises.


Considering the relevance of studying the standard course “Contemporary Ukrainian Literary Language. Morphemics and Derivatology” for the formation and development of professional competence of students of the educational program “Secondary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature” of specialization 014 01 “Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature)” and at the same time on the insufficient coverage of the peculiarities of the teaching method of morphemics and word formation in philological and pedagogical publications, the article outlines the problematic aspects of the comprehensive study of morphemics and word formation, the task, basic principles, methods, techniques of working with these important levels of language structure are specified. For future teachers, theoretical and practical knowledge of morphemics and word formation (derivatology) is an important part of general professional formation, which should ensure compliance with the principle of scientific knowledge during teaching of the Ukrainian language in institutions of general secondary education, development of students' understanding of the regularities of the functioning of the Ukrainian language, formation of morphemic skills and word-forming analysis of words and critical understanding of active word-forming processes in the contemporary Ukrainian language. The defining task of the course “Contemporary Ukrainian Language. Morphemics and Derivatology” for the specialization 014.01 “Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature)” is to provide, based on a competency-based approach, a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena of morphemics and word formation and those regularities that determined the structure of the morpheme and word-formation systems of the contemporary Ukrainian language, based on the modern achievements of linguistic science. A well-thought-out system of lectures and practical classes, tasks for independent work, collective work on research projects ensure the familiarization of undergraduate students of the Faculty of Philology with modern theoretical works, introduce them to the scientific paradigm of the latest achievements in the field of morphemics and derivatology, which contributes to the development of creativity, skills for conducting own scientific research and guidance of student research work, which is an important component of the thorough professional formation of a Ukrainian language teacher. We consider the expansion of effective traditional techniques during the study of morphemics and word formation, as well as the analysis of their impact on innovative teaching methods, as a promising direction for further development of the researched issue.


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