



Petro Karmansky, concept, verbal representatives of the concept, hyponym, synonyms, antonyms, metaphors-periphrasis, derived words.


In the article, the texts of poems from the collection of Galician Petro Karmansky "For Honor and Will" are examined in the context of the concept of HONOR. The collection was published in 1923. It is dedicated to the fighters for the will of the people and the independent Ukrainian state during the Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918–1919, which Galician Ukrainians could not win. Therefore, it was important for the author to testify to the greatness of these liberation struggles, the need to continue the struggle and raising brave and indomitable warriors for future victories. For the purpose of exploration, it was determined to reveal the peculiarities of the verbalization of the concept of HONOR in the poetry collection of Petro Karmansky "For honor and will", clarifying in this way the author's understanding of its leading features. The key status of the analysed concept in the collection, confirmed, is emphasised by the fact of its fixation in its name. The antiquity of the concept of HONOR in the ethnic consciousness of speakers, its historical endurance, universalism, ability to develop and enrich with nationally and individually significant components are noted. It was established that the lexeme "honor" as the main verbalizer of the concept is not noted in the examined tests frequently – only 5 uses. More frequent are the units representing the components of the concept – conceptshyponyms. Positive words are singled out among them (marked connotation): "hero" (11 usages), "knight" (3 usages), "titan" (7 usages), "giant" (2 usages), "giant" (1 usage), reinforced by the epithets "saint", " proud", and negatively marked: "executioner" (13 usages), enemy (3 usages), opponent (4 usages), tyrant (2 usages), cutthroat (4 usages), "land thief" (3 usages), Cain (2 use), 1 use each – "bastard", "Mongol", "barbarian", "ruffian", "Pilate", executioner-aristocrat, as well as their derivatives. The presence of metaphor-periphrasis among the names of both groups was recorded: "proud confused falcon", "deaf soul changers", "enemy savagery". The units with the lexeme "honor" in paradigmatic relations are indicated: the synonym "glory" and the antonyms "shame", "infamy", "gloom", "insult", "disgrace", "humiliation", "discredit".


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