


associate; associative –semantic group; epithet; ethnomarked representations; metaphorical and comparative constructions; negative axiologization; paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships.


The article traces the development of the lexical-semantic group “time” in the language of poetry of the Chornobyl theme, analyzes the main nominations associated with this associate and describes the emotional epithets, metaphorical and comparative constructions with different semes that become their expressions. Figurative nominations of dates on April 26 and May 1, 1986, which became bearers of negative axiology, are considered. The purpose of the article is to study the paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties of the associate ‘time’, to trace the patterns and mechanisms of its develo pment in Ukrainian poetic works of the Chornobyl theme. To achieve this aim it was necessary to solve the following tasks: - to analyze literary-publicistic poetic texts of 80-90ies of the 20th century; - to solve the problem of types, lexical valence and contextual associative-semantic relationships (links) of nomination “time”; - to show the development of metaphorical and comparative constructions with different semes. Conclusions. The research carried out reveals the synthesized nature of the ASG “time”. Most of the images that are part of this ASG form system seams with other semantically subordinated archems of Chornobyl by groups and microgroups. This system of vocabulary groups proves the relevance of temporal nominations, journalism, names of people, names of natural phenomena, names of everyday realities, which, in the context of analyzed poetry, become the status of the language and psychological time marks of Chornobyl. The prospects for further research are seen in the comparative representation of the associate “time” in poetic and prose works and the differentiation in its implementation.


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