shooting energy, seed germination, Calendula officinalis L., microfertilizer “Avatar-2 Organic”Abstract
Microfertilizer “Avatar-2 Organic” is a preparation of new generation, that contains important microelements for growth and development of the plants in biologically available form of nanocompounds, obtained by erosive and explosive method. Being ecologically safe preparation, microfertilizer can be perspective to the usage in technologies of cultivation of medicinal plant raw material Calendula officinalis L. during presown cultivation of seed and sprinkling vegetative plants. That is why the aim of the work was to explore the influence of different norms of microfertilizer “Avatar-2 Organic” by the method of presown cultivation of seed of C. officinalis on the sample of Berezotitska soniachna cv. on the energy of its shooting, laboratory and field germination in soil and climatic conditions of Precarpathian area as well as on some indices of its seedlings. One has explored that microfertilizer during presown cultivation in the norm 100–150 ml/t seed of C. officinalis plants contributes to the increase of energy of its shooting and laboratory germination by 5–7% compared to the control. One has revealed the positive influence of applied norms of microfertilizer during presown cultivation of seed on early stages of the development of seedlings of C. officinalis plants, cultivated in laboratory conditions “on paper”. In particular, we have marked the increase of biometric indices on the 7th day of its development from time of sowing: the general length – by 22,85 % and 28,57 %, raw and absolutely dry mass – 12–15 % compared to the control. One has established the positive influence of microfertilizer during presown cultivation on the seed germination of C. officinalis plants in the field conditions. In particular, presown cultivation in the norm of 100 and 150 ml/t seed contributes to the increase of field seed germination of C. officinalis plants in the conditions of sod-podzol soil by 10–15 % compared to the control and the other variants of the research, in which one used lower and higher norms of microfertilizer. We have proved the efficiency of the usage of presown cultivation of “Avatar-2 Organic” in the norm of 100–150 ml/t seed of C. officinalis plants as a biologically practical way of improvement of seed germination of this crop in soil and climatic conditions of Precarpathian area.
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