elements of syntax; communicative-activity approach; communicative competence; speech development; linguistic personality.Abstract
The article states that study of the syntax elements in elementary school has a special signifi cance today, which is explained primarily by the purpose of the initial course of the Ukrainian language - to help junior pupils in acquiring the grammatical structure of their native language, to acquaint them with different ways of expressing their thoughts, thus ensuring a proper level of development coherent speech of pupils. While processing the elements of syntax at the Ukrainian lessons in elementary classes it is expedient to carry out a communicative-activity approach which foresees assimilating by the pupils of each class the necessary min imum of theoretical knowledge about sentences and developing in them, on the basis of this knowledge, practical skills to use the sentences of different types in their own speech. The purpose of the article is, on the basis of the worked up literature, own observations over the learning process at the Ukrainian language lessons in elementary school, to underline the importance of knowledge of the syntax for the formation of the linguistic personality of a junior pupil and to emphasize the necessity to realize a communicative-activity approach to the elaboration of the basic syntactic concepts at the Ukrainian language lessons in the elementary school. After analyzing the research of the problem of studying the elements of syntax in elementary school on the basis of the communicative-activity approach and after conducting the observation over the educational process at the Ukrainian language lessons during the processing of separate syntactic themes by junior pupils, we conclude that the implementation of the communicative-activity approach during the study of language phenomenon ensures the realization in pupils the integral principle while studying language and promotes the speech development of pupils. Studying the language based on the communicative-activity approach allows to achieve signifi cant results in the formation of the linguistic personality of a pupil and meets the modern requirements towards education, therefore undoubtedly requires further well-grounded research.
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