



Juniperus communis, berries, extracts, biologically active substances, seasonal variability, population variability.


Juniperus communis berries are an important medicinal plant raw material due to the high content of biologically important compounds that determine its therapeutic effect, as well as the pharmacological activity of preparations, extracts, biologically active supplements (BASs), phytoteas made on its basis. The qualitative and quantitative composition of medicinal raw materials can change depending on the genetic structure of the population and the soil and climatic conditions of plant growth, that’s why the content of pharmacologically important substances in each collection must be constantly monitored. The content of some biologically active substances in the berries of J. communis plants, which grow in the territory of the Lviv region in five different locations of the lower mountain belt of the Ukrainian Carpathians, was evaluated. A comparative analysis of the total content of polyphenols, ascorbic acid, and carotene in the fruits of J. communis harvested in 2019–2023 was carried out. It was found that the total content of polyphenols and ascorbic acid in the berries of J. communis has seasonal variability. It was found that the total content of polyphenols (Folin – Chocalteu method, calculated on gallic acid (GA)), extracted with 70% ethanol from crushed berries, vary in limits from 200 ± 10 to 340 ± 20 mg GA/g absolutely dry mass (ADM). The content of ascorbic acid in juniper berries varies in a narrower range of values from 1,11 ± 0,05 to 1,48 ± 0,07 mg/g ADM. The carotene content in the 2019–2023 collections of J. communis berries is insignificant, on average it is 2,36 ± 0,11 mg/g ADM, seasonal and population variability is not observed. It was found that the berries of J. communis plants, which grow in the territory of the Lviv region in different locations of the Ukrainian Carpathians, differ in the content of polyphenols by 1,25–1,7 times and ascorbic acid by 1,33 times, but not in carotene. 


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